Pre-Registration Form
As we prepare for the upcoming Church Planters Readiness Seminar, please complete the Pre-Registration Form as promptly as possible, no later than Monday, March 21.
Pre-Registration is due by Monday, March 21, 2022.
Airline tickets will be reimbursed (please receive pre-approval if over $500/ticket); submit them via this link by April 30, 2022: www.opcchurchplanting.org/reimbursements
Please receive pre-approval if you believe you need a rental car.
Arrival day information: Please arrive during the day on Tuesday, April 5. Arrival flights should arrive *no later* than 1 PM. *All attendees must be present* at the 4 PM pre-dinner meet and greet at the Shack on Tuesday, April 5.
Accommodate 90 minutes for travel to and from Gerald R. Ford Airport (Grand Rapids, MI) and the Shack (White Cloud, MI).
Departure day information: Please ensure that your flight departs no earlier than 4pm on Friday, April 8.
If you have any questions, please send them to Elisabeth Schumaker at elisabethschumaker@cedarchurch.org