Resources for Planning Your Spring Offering Collection:
Below you will find resources and materials for planning your local OPC's 2024 Spring Offering collection. Please note that all OPC churches in the Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario will receive a packet of printed bulletin inserts in April; there will also be extra inserts provided at the April Presbytery meeting.
LONG VERSION (Good for congregational emails):
The Presbytery has approved Community OPC (Kalamazoo, MI) as the recipient of the annual Spring Offering. Over the last three years, Community actively sought a larger facility to house their growing congregation as well as provide ample space for future ministries; God provided a new building at the beginning of January. Community has set a total goal of raising $270K by the end of 2024 to aid in renovations costs and accelerated repayment of their loan; the Presbytery is hopeful of raising $80,000 through the Spring Offering to aid them in this endeavor. How to Give – LOCALLY: Place in offering basket | “Spring Offering” in the memo; ONLINE:; MAIL: Make check payable to “PMO Church Extension” and send to 811 Gorham Lane, Kalamazoo, MI.
SHORT VERSION (Good for bulletins):
The Presbytery has approved Community OPC (Kalamazoo, MI) as the recipient of the annual Spring Offering. Community has set a total goal of raising $270K by the end of 2024 to aid in renovations costs and accelerated repayment of the loan on their new building. The Presbytery is hopeful of raising $80,000 through the Spring Offering to aid them in this endeavor. Give today during the special collection, or online at
Bulletin Inserts: